BA, MA. Stanford University
Ph.D. University of Washington
Postdoc. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California - San Diego
Research in my laboratory focuses on why particular populations could invade novel habitats, whereas others cannot. My lab currently explores genomic mechanisms underlying physiological
adaption associated with habitat invasions. My lab is investigating physiological and genetic
targets of selection during repeated and independent freshwater invasions. My students have developed multiple inbred lines from saline ancestral and freshwater invading populations for the purposes of QTL-mapping, genome sequencing, and the determination of cis- vs trans-regulation of candidate genes. Examining
the repeatability of mechanisms underlying freshwater adaptation could
reveal whether these evolutionary pathways are labile or constrained.
We are using the copepod Eurytemora affinis species complex as a model system for studying evolutionary mechanisms of invasions and adaptation to global change. This species complex is widespread globally, incredibly abundant in coastal estuaries, and a fundamental component of food webs (as a major food source for larval fish). This copepod is also a carrier of many microbes, including several pathogenic species. From a genetic perspective, the E. affinis complex presents a good model for its availability of genomic resources (full genomes and transcriptomes), small genome size, short generation time (10-20 d), and ability to produce inbred lines.
Long-term research interests focus on evolutionary dynamics at the
interface between habitat boundaries, and factors that allow shifts in
habitat type. Results from my work not only have implications
for understanding mechanisms of biological invasions, but also for global climate change and macroevolutionary processes, such as the colonization
of land.
I welcome graduate students and postdocs with a strong background
or interest in evolutionary biology or physiological ecology, preferably
with experience in laboratory molecular genetics or strong quantitative
skills. I typically accept graduate students through the Graduate Program in Integrative Biology or the UW Graduate Program in Genetics . |