SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (Chronological; click on authors to download)
- Popp, TE, S Hermet, J Fredette-Rman, E McKeel, W Zozaya, C Baumlin, G Charmentier, CE Lee*, C Lorin-Nebel*. 2024. Evolution of ion transporter Na+/K+-ATPase expression in the osmoregulatory maxillary glands of an invasive copepod. iScience. 27:110278. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110278 (*Co-corresponding authors)
- Lee, CE. 2023. Genome architecture underlying salinity adaptation in the invasive copepod Eurytemora affinis species complex: A review. iScience. 26:107851. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107851 (Invited)
- Lee, CE, G Charmantier, C Lorin-Nebel. 2022. Mechanisms of Na+ uptake from freshwater habitats in animals. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:1006113. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1006113 (Invited)
- Lee, CE, K Downey, RS Colby, CA Freire, S Nichols, MN Burgess, KJ Judy. 2022. Recognizing salinity threats in the climate crisis. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 62:441-460. doi: 10.1093/icb/icac069
- Stern DB, NW Anderson, JA Diaz, CE Lee. 2022. Genome-wide signatures of synergistic epistasis during parallel adaptation in a Baltic Sea copepod. Nature Communications. 13:4024. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31622-8
- Lee CE. 2021. Ion transporter gene families as physiological targets of natural selection during salinity transitions in a copepod. Physiology. 36:335-349. doi: 10.1152/physiol.00009.2021 (Invited)
- Posavi M, D Gulisija, JB Munro, JC Silva, CE Lee. 2020. Rapid evolution of genome-wide expression and plasticity during saline to freshwater invasions by a copepod. Molecular Ecology. 29:4835-4856. doi: 10.1111/mec.15681
- Stern DB, CE Lee. 2020. Evolutionary origins of genomic adaptations in an invasive copepod. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4:1084-1094. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1201-y Supplementary Tables
- Thomas GWC, E Dohmen, DST Hughes et al. 2020. Gene content evolution in arthropods. Genome Biology. 21:15.
- Poynton H, S Hasenbein, J Benoit, et al. 2018. The Toxicogenome of Hyalella azteca: a model for sediment ecotoxicology and evolutionary toxicology. Environmental Science & Technology. 52:6009-6022. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00837
- Lee CE, JL Remfert, T Opgenorth, KM Lee, E. Stanford, JW Connolly, JW Kim, S Tomke. 2017. Evolutionary response to crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill by the copepod Eurytemora affinis. Evolutionary Applications. 10:813-828. (Invited for Special Issue on Evolutionary Toxicology)
- Eyun S, HY Soh, M Posavi, J Munro... ...JC Silva, RA Gibbs, S Richards, and CE Lee. 2017. Evolutionary history of chemosensory-related gene families across the Arthropoda. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34:1838-1862.
- Lee CE. 2016. Evolutionary mechanisms of habitat invasions, using the copepod Eurytemora affinis as a model system. Evolutionary Applications. 9:248-270. (Invited paper for Special Issue)
Posavi M, GW Gelembiuk, B Larget, CE Lee. 2014. Testing for beneficial reversal of dominance during salinity shifts in the invasive copepod Eurytemora affinis, and implications for the maintenance of genetic variation. Evolution. 68:3166-3183.
Metzger B, GW Gelembiuk, CE Lee. 2013. Direct sequencing of haplotypes from diploid individuals through a modified emulsion PCR-based single-molecule sequencing approach. Molecular Ecology Resources. 13:135-143.
- Hufbauer RA, B Facon, V Ravigné, J Turgeon, J Foucaud, CE Lee, O Rey, A Estoup. 2012. Anthropogenically-Induced Adaptation to Invade (AIAI): Contemporary adaptation to human-altered habitats within the native range can promote invasions. Evolutionary Applications. 5:89-101.
Lee CE. 2011. Evolution of invasive populations. In Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. Eds. Daniel Simberloff and Marcel Rejmánek. University of California Press. pp. 215-222.
Peyer SM, JC Hermanson, CE Lee. 2010. Developmental plasticity of shell morphology in quagga mussels from shallow and deep water habitats of the Great Lakes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213:2602-2609.
Dodson SI, DA Skelly, CE Lee. 2010. Out of Alaska: Morphological diversity within the genus Eurytemora from its ancestral range (Crustacea, Copepoda). Hydrobiologia. 653:131-148. (Invited for special issue: Fifty Years After the "Homage to Santa Rosalia": Old and New Paradigms on Biodiversity in Aquatic Ecosystems)
G, JJ Dodson, CE Lee. 2008. Heterogeneity
within the native range: Population genetic analyses of sympatric
invasive and noninvasive clades of the freshwater invading
copepod Eurytemora
affinis. Molecular Ecology. 17:415-430. (Invited
for the International Summit on Evolutionary Change in Human-altered
CE, JL Remfert, YM Chang. 2007. Response
to selection and evolvability of invasive populations. Genetica. 129:179-192. (Invited
for the SSE 2004 symposium on Invasive Species)
GW, CE Lee. 2007. All
stressed out and nowhere to go: does evolvability limit adaptation
in invasive species? Genetica. 129:127-132.
CE, GW Gilchrist. 2007. All Stressed
Out and Nowhere To Go: Does Evolvability Limit Adaptation
in Invasive Species? Papers from the Symposium at the SSE/ASN/SSB
meeting, June 2004. Genetica. Volume 129.
CE, JL Remfert, GW Gelembiuk. 2003. Evolution
of physiological tolerance and performance during freshwater
invasion events. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43:439-449. (Invited for SICB symposium on Selection on Performance in Nature)
CE, CH Petersen. 2003. Effects of developmental
acclimation on adult salinity tolerance in the freshwater-invading Eurytemora
affinis. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 76:296-301.
CE. 2002. Evolutionary genetics of invasive
species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 17:
- Lee,
CE, CH Petersen. 2002. Genotype-by-environment
interaction for salinity tolerance in the freshwater invading
copepod Eurytemora
affinis. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 75:
CE, BW Frost. 2002. Morphological stasis
in the Eurytemora affinis species complex (Copepoda:
Temoridae). Hydrobiologia. 480:111-128. (Invited
Symposium Paper)
- Lee,
CE. 2002. A tribute to Professor Bruce
W. Frost. Hydrobiologia. 480:3-4.
- Lee, CE, S Strom, J Yen. 2002. Progress in Zooplankton Biology: Ecology,
Systematics, and Behavior. Hydrobiologia. Volume 480.
CE. 2000. Global phylogeography of a cryptic
copepod species complex and reproductive isolation between genetically
proximate "populations." Evolution. 54:2014-2027.
CE. 1999. Rapid and repeated invasions
of fresh water by the saltwater copepod Eurytemora affinis. Evolution. 53:1423-1434.
CE, MA Bell. 1999. Causes and consequences
of recent freshwater invasions by saltwater animals. Trends
in Ecology and Evolution. 14: 284-288.
- Lee,
CE , RR Strathmann. 1998. Scaling of gelatinous
clutches: effects of siblings' competition for oxygen on
clutch size and parental investment per offspring. American
Naturalist. 151:293-310.
O, CE Lee, G Wardle. 1997. The effect of
overlapping generations and population structure on gene-frequency
clines. In Structured Population Models in Marine, Freshwater
and Terrestrial Systems. H Caswell and S Tuljapurkar
(eds.) Chapman & Hall.
on author to download pdf files) |
Evolutionary Origins of Invasive Populations (in order of preference)
CE. 2002. Evolutionary genetics of invasive
species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 17:
Lee, CE. 2010. Evolution of invasive populations. In The Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. Eds. Daniel Simberloff and Marcel Rejmánek. University of California Press.
CE, MA Bell. 1999. Causes and consequences
of recent freshwater invasions by saltwater animals. Trends
in Ecology and Evolution. 14: 284-288.
GW, CE Lee. 2007. All
stressed out and nowhere to go: does evolvability limit adaptation
in invasive species? Genetica. 129:127-132.
- Hufbauer, RA, B Facon, V Ravigné, J Turgeon, J Foucaud, CE Lee, O Rey, A Estoup. 2012. Anthropogenically-Induced Adaptation to Invade (AIAI): Contemporary adaptation to human-altered habitats within the native range can promote invasions. Evolutionary Applications. 5:89-101.
Evolutionary Shifts during Habitat Invasions (Chronological)
(& Evolutionary Genetics of Eurytemora affinis populations)
- Gelembiuk, GW, B Metzger, JC da Silva, CE Lee. 2018. Shifts in copepod microbiome composition across replicated saline to freshwater invasions. Molecular Ecology. In Review.
- Gerber, L**, CE Lee, E Grousset, E Blondeau-Bidet, NB Boucheker, C Lorin-Nebel, M Charmantier-Daures, G Charmantier. 2016. The Legs Have It: Localizing and quantifying expression of ion transporters V-Type H+ ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase in the swimming legs of the freshwater invading copepod Eurytemora affinis. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 89:233-250.
- Posavi, M, GW Gelembiuk, B Larget, CE Lee. 2014. Testing for beneficial reversal of dominance during salinity shifts in the invasive copepod Eurytemora affinis, and implications for the maintenance of genetic variation. Evolution. 68:3166-3183.
- Metzger, B, GW Gelembiuk, CE Lee. 2013. Direct sequencing of haplotypes from diploid individuals through a modified emulsion PCR-based single-molecule sequencing approach. Molecular Ecology Resources. 13:135-143.
- Lee, CE, M Posavi, G Charmantier. 2012. Rapid evolution of body fluid regulation following independent invasions into freshwater habitats. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 25:625-633.
G, JJ Dodson, CE Lee. 2008. Heterogeneity
within the native range: Population genetic analyses of sympatric
invasive and noninvasive clades of the freshwater invading
copepod Eurytemora
affinis. Molecular Ecology. 17:415-430.
CE, CH Petersen. 2003. Effects of developmental
acclimation on adult salinity tolerance in the freshwater-invading Eurytemora
affinis. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 76:296-301.
CE, CH Petersen. 2002. Genotype-by-environment
interaction for salinity tolerance in the freshwater invading
copepod Eurytemora
affinis. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 75:
CE. 1999. Rapid and repeated invasions
of fresh water by the saltwater copepod Eurytemora affinis. Evolution. 53:1423-1434.
Speciation, Systematics, and Morphological Evolution (Chronological)
Dodson, SI, DA Skelly, CE Lee. 2010. Out of Alaska: Morphological evolution and diversity within the genus Eurytemora from its ancestral range (Crustacea, Copepoda). Hydrobiologia. 653:131-148.
- Dodson, SI, CE Lee. 2006. Recommendations for taxonomic submissions to Hydrobiologia. Hydrobiologia. 556:1-5.
CE, BW Frost. 2002. Morphological stasis
in the Eurytemora affinis species complex (Copepoda:
Temoridae). Hydrobiologia. 480:111-128.
CE. 2000. Global phylogeography of a cryptic
copepod species complex and reproductive isolation between genetically
proximate "populations." Evolution. 54:2014-2027.
Zebra and Quagga Mussel Invasions (Chronological)
Peyer, SM, JC Hermanson, CE Lee. 2010. Developmental plasticity of shell morphology in quagga mussels from shallow and deep water habitats of the Great Lakes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213:2602-2609.
Miscellaneous Topics (in order of preference)
CE , RR Strathmann. 1998. Scaling of gelatinous
clutches: effects of siblings' competition for oxygen on
clutch size and parental investment per offspring. American
Naturalist. 151:293-310.
O, CE Lee, G Wardle. 1997. The effect of
overlapping generations and population structure on gene-frequency
clines. In Structured Population Models in Marine, Freshwater
and Terrestrial Systems. H Caswell and S Tuljapurkar
(eds.) Chapman & Hall.
CE. 2002. A tribute to Professor Bruce
W. Frost. Hydrobiologia. 480:3-4.
Edited Volumes (Chronological)
Lee, CE. 2014. Genetics and genomics of adaptation in response to environmental stress. Evolution (Speciation Section) Volume 68.
Schierenbeck, KA, CE Lee, RD Holt. 2010. Synthesizing Ecology and Evolution for the Study of Invasive Species. Evolutionary Applications. Volume 3.
- Lee,
CE, GW Gilchrist. 2007. All Stressed
Out and Nowhere To Go: Does Evolvability Limit Adaptation
in Invasive Species? Papers from the Symposium at the SSE/ASN/SSB
meeting, June 2004. Genetica. Volume 129.
CE, T Mitchell-Olds. 2006. Ecological
and Evolutionary Genomics of Populations in Nature. Special
Issue for Molecular Ecology. Volume 15.
Lee, CE, S Strom, J Yen. 2002. Commemorative
Symposium Volume: Progress in Zooplankton Biology: Ecology,
Systematics, and Behavior. Hydrobiologia. Volume 480.
Selected Publications of Graduate Student Publications funded by LEE Grants
(Refer to individual student URLs to view their full list of publications)
Gulisija D**, and Y Kim. In Prep. Evolution of multi-locus adaptive fitness oscillations under heterogeneous cyclic selection. To be submitted to Evolution
Gulisija D**, Y Kim, and JB Plotkin. 2016. Phenotypic plasticity promotes balanced polymorphism in periodic environments by a genomic storage effect. Genetics, Online Early
- Peyer, SM**, JC Hermanson. In Prep. Inverse characterization of the lift and drag coefficients of zebra and quagga mussels.
- Gulisija D**, and Y Kim. 2015. Emergence of long-term balanced polymorphism under cyclic selection of spatially variable magnitude. Evolution. 69:979-992.
- Kim, Y, D Gulisija**. 2010. Signatures of genetic hitchhiking under different models of population expansion during colonization of new selective environments. Genetics. 184:571-585.
- Gulisija, D**, JF Crow. 2007. Inferring purging from pedigree data. Evolution. 61:1043-1051.
- Nice, CC*, NM Anthony*, GW Gelembiuk**, D Ganser and R ffrench-Constant. 2005. The history and geography of diversification within the butterfly genus Lycaeides in North America. Molecular Ecology. 14:1741-1754.
- Chung, M**, GW Gelembiuk**, TJ Givnish. 2004. Population genetics and phylogeography of endangered Oxytropis campestris var. chartacea and relatives: Arctic-alpine disjuncts in eastern North America. Molecular Ecology. 13:3657-3673.